It's a mix of purchased tracks and tracks from a talented friend and free music so unfortunately I'm not authorized to distribute them outside of the game.
Jogo simplesmente incrível, bem desenvolvido, Criador com certeza gente boa (sou o Blackie), comprem ele! Vale toda a pena, para relaxar e ouvir as músicas
People also pay for wallpapers, music and fireside DVDs. So why not pay for a little ambience game that might make working on the PC a little more enjoyable?
Yes people pay for it, and I think there are far worse things to spend your money on.
Everyone has to decide for themselves. I've been making games for 20 years, I've always paid the costs for artwork etc myself and often offered my games for free. The game also subsidises a little of the costs I have for other games.
A bar of chocolate costs the same and people pay for it.But unlike this game, it isn't gone after you finished it. It is still in your possession for another use. And another...
GameDevs pour their hearts into their projects, lots of time and effort. Yeah this may be a simple game, but that doesn't diminish their right to put a price tag on it - especially if it's only a "bar of chocolate".
Strangely enough, I need a Mac to export for Mac. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone I can always ask to do this for each version and for testing. If I export the Mac version with Windows, it cannot be started.
1. Having it as an open window can lag your PC due to the frame rate going towards the Idle runner and whatever else you may be doing. So leave it as a tabbed-out window
(Although you'll have to start the run again manually)
2. If you spam-click where the fruit icons sit, they'll all activate, it will take a second to register what you're clicking but will work.
3. The apple will only take effect whilst you have stamina, the apple boost is just a 20-second timer in which you have double speed
1) Yes you're right the game has a few more queries now, I'm trying to optimise that. Can you tell me what kind of system you are playing on?
2) The fruits are always consumed from left to right, it's best to try to press in the centre. Unfortunately I can't get the query to work better without the game losing even more performance.
3) As Harly already said, the apple only works when you "run".
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it. I would like to make an update V1.1 I try to fill all slots there. We are working on an Idle Streching animation.
I currently have no plans to extend it beyond level 100. Maybe I will make a second part. But for now I have other games in the pipeline.
I'm also currently working on a Steam release of the game. As it will be my first Steam game, I still need to learn the basics.
First off, great little game, very fun and relaxing. Animations are great, music is nice, love the whole idea behind it, as well as the new additions in the 1.0 version. Just wonderful.
Now, I'm not one to usually make this kind of comment, but I hope you don't mind if I take this space to talk a little about how parallaxes work. ^^
Basically, the further away an object is from the camera, the slower it should appear to move. So, the front layer should be moving the fastest, and the back layer should be moving the slowest.
Anyway, still a wonderful game, but perhaps there could be a future update with an adjustment for that particular aspect at some point?
Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I am currently not at home. I'll try to explain the Parallax system and the problems I'm having with it soon. I wanted to solve things differently, but it simply didn't work with the engine. Its mobile just a bit difficult to explain. But I will try it soon. Thank for the feedback.
The problem is, the only good plugin I found for the engine that can create such scrolling parallax layers is a bit cumbersome to use. Aya runs on a repeating map and the plugin displays the layers. If it is only 1 layer without scrolling it is easy. The layer loops at the end of the map and the transition is seamless. If there are 2 layers that scroll at different speeds I have to enlarge the map for each speed because both layers have to loop at the end of the map at the same time to ensure a smooth transition. So the more speeds I set, the longer the map has to be.
2 problems. The engine only allows 256 tiles in length & the Android version limits me even more because it "destroys" the scrolling if the maps are too long
Long text but the key data is that I only have a few speed levels available. Believe me I spent a long time trying to make it better.
The last layer scrolls depending on whether Windows/Android is at level 0/3 etc:
Layer 1 0/3
Layer 2 6
Layer 3 12
Layer 4 0 (this is the layer with the ground on which Aya runs)
Layer 5 -6
Changing the speed of layer 4 with the ground looks extremely wrong. additionally on the layer are the first trees
The foreground layer has a negative speed. I thought it looks best when it moves the slowest as it is at the front.
So I am very limited in terms of other options.
So one question would be which layer disturbs the overall view the most?
The foreground layer with the grass because it is slow? or the layer with the ground and the first trees? Because the layers behind it all scroll slower and slower the further away they are.
I'd say the layer that bothers me the most is probably the 3rd layer (the one right behind the layer Aya is running on. Just since it goes faster than Aya's layer, but then again, it would look even weirder if you only slowed that one down and not adjusted the rest correctly. Either way, though, as a fellow animator (, I feel like there should be a program that does the job better, not really needing a loop that combines all layers, but rather, being able to run multiple layers in their ownindividual loops, ya know? I feel like that could benefit your game astronomically.
Maybe it's a bug, but try a peach when your stamina is 0 and you walk slowly. When you stand still, start running immediately. Then you don't get +3 stamina, but x3 stamina ;)
Interesting, I'll have a look at it. I also found some other bugs in the buff system. It should all work better in V1.0. Thanks for playing and reporting the bug!
Ideas for stuff you could implement to add to the lovely pixel art if you have the processing power: - animation of her stretching - after a run, her bending over to catch her breath - that shirt getting more sweaty and see-through in some situations
The sprite is about too powerful for me. I would do it externally. (And I'm totally of the opinion that more animations and outfits would be really cool. But I'm trying my best to find ways to add more sexy stuff. Maybe with the help of pictures.) Thanks for playing and your opinion! I try to release V0.9 fast, so the first critical stuff is fixed.
Kind of bare bones at the moment, but the dev has proven themselves with their past projects, so I'm confident they'll add more content soon. It really does need faster progression ASAP tho lol
Same thing, but I tried to use autoclicker, which is clicking every 1 sec. It wasn't clicking on snails or smth else, just background. When Aya is "flying" she's not picking up apples and strawberries. Refreshing page fixed bug tho
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Can you release the soundtrack? I love Track 3! Did you write it yourself?
It's a mix of purchased tracks and tracks from a talented friend and free music so unfortunately I'm not authorized to distribute them outside of the game.
is this the track you like?
Yep, that's the one, thank you!
Have Fun :)
Is there no way to get it via Pix?
What is Pix? If you have Problems with payment try to pn me on discord. > jisukoan < i try to find a solution
Jogo simplesmente incrível, bem desenvolvido, Criador com certeza gente boa (sou o Blackie), comprem ele! Vale toda a pena, para relaxar e ouvir as músicas
Thx for your words!
How do I update if I already bought it?
NVM just had to go to Itch library
Have Fun.
can't buy it on here.... so uhh if i buy it on steam will i get a key for itch? i kinda want to play on android
Why do you can't buy it here? Do you have Discord? My nickname is jitsukoan, We will find a solution 👍
my currency isn't dollar so i can only buy it on steam i might as well message you thx for answering me
I don't want to sound rude,but people pay for this?
People also pay for wallpapers, music and fireside DVDs. So why not pay for a little ambience game that might make working on the PC a little more enjoyable?
Yes people pay for it, and I think there are far worse things to spend your money on.
Everyone has to decide for themselves. I've been making games for 20 years, I've always paid the costs for artwork etc myself and often offered my games for free. The game also subsidises a little of the costs I have for other games.
Thanks to everyone who supports me!
A bar of chocolate costs the same and people pay for it.But unlike this game, it isn't gone after you finished it. It is still in your possession for another use. And another...
GameDevs pour their hearts into their projects, lots of time and effort. Yeah this may be a simple game, but that doesn't diminish their right to put a price tag on it - especially if it's only a "bar of chocolate".
Will there ever be a mac version?
Strangely enough, I need a Mac to export for Mac. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone I can always ask to do this for each version and for testing. If I export the Mac version with Windows, it cannot be started.
Love how it's been coming together. A couple of things I've noticed since the last version.
So far I'm only about 20k steps into this build, but I'll add to this if I find anything else! I hope this helps. Love the game.
1. Having it as an open window can lag your PC due to the frame rate going towards the Idle runner and whatever else you may be doing. So leave it as a tabbed-out window
(Although you'll have to start the run again manually)
2. If you spam-click where the fruit icons sit, they'll all activate, it will take a second to register what you're clicking but will work.
3. The apple will only take effect whilst you have stamina, the apple boost is just a 20-second timer in which you have double speed
(No stamina = No effect can be used)
Hope that answers your questions!!
Thanks for the feedback!
1) Yes you're right the game has a few more queries now, I'm trying to optimise that. Can you tell me what kind of system you are playing on?
2) The fruits are always consumed from left to right, it's best to try to press in the centre. Unfortunately I can't get the query to work better without the game losing even more performance.
3) As Harly already said, the apple only works when you "run".
Thank you both!
Will the current "empty" tiers have something later added to them or will you extend the tiers to "lvl 200" for example?
Loving it so far!!
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it. I would like to make an update V1.1 I try to fill all slots there. We are working on an Idle Streching animation.
I currently have no plans to extend it beyond level 100. Maybe I will make a second part. But for now I have other games in the pipeline.
I'm also currently working on a Steam release of the game. As it will be my first Steam game, I still need to learn the basics.
Have a nice day!
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First off, great little game, very fun and relaxing. Animations are great, music is nice, love the whole idea behind it, as well as the new additions in the 1.0 version. Just wonderful.
Now, I'm not one to usually make this kind of comment, but I hope you don't mind if I take this space to talk a little about how parallaxes work. ^^
Basically, the further away an object is from the camera, the slower it should appear to move. So, the front layer should be moving the fastest, and the back layer should be moving the slowest.
Anyway, still a wonderful game, but perhaps there could be a future update with an adjustment for that particular aspect at some point?
Either way, nice work.
You are right - the parallax effect must be fixed.
Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I am currently not at home. I'll try to explain the Parallax system and the problems I'm having with it soon. I wanted to solve things differently, but it simply didn't work with the engine. Its mobile just a bit difficult to explain. But I will try it soon. Thank for the feedback.
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Okie doke. Best of luck!
The problem is, the only good plugin I found for the engine that can create such scrolling parallax layers is a bit cumbersome to use. Aya runs on a repeating map and the plugin displays the layers. If it is only 1 layer without scrolling it is easy. The layer loops at the end of the map and the transition is seamless. If there are 2 layers that scroll at different speeds I have to enlarge the map for each speed because both layers have to loop at the end of the map at the same time to ensure a smooth transition. So the more speeds I set, the longer the map has to be.
2 problems. The engine only allows 256 tiles in length & the Android version limits me even more because it "destroys" the scrolling if the maps are too long
Long text but the key data is that I only have a few speed levels available. Believe me I spent a long time trying to make it better.
The last layer scrolls depending on whether Windows/Android is at level 0/3 etc:
Layer 1 0/3
Layer 2 6
Layer 3 12
Layer 4 0 (this is the layer with the ground on which Aya runs)
Layer 5 -6
Changing the speed of layer 4 with the ground looks extremely wrong. additionally on the layer are the first trees
The foreground layer has a negative speed. I thought it looks best when it moves the slowest as it is at the front.
So I am very limited in terms of other options.
So one question would be which layer disturbs the overall view the most?
The foreground layer with the grass because it is slow? or the layer with the ground and the first trees? Because the layers behind it all scroll slower and slower the further away they are.
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I'd say the layer that bothers me the most is probably the 3rd layer (the one right behind the layer Aya is running on. Just since it goes faster than Aya's layer, but then again, it would look even weirder if you only slowed that one down and not adjusted the rest correctly. Either way, though, as a fellow animator (, I feel like there should be a program that does the job better, not really needing a loop that combines all layers, but rather, being able to run multiple layers in their own individual loops, ya know? I feel like that could benefit your game astronomically.
Sorry for my bad spelling xc my mind read faster then i wright down love the game
0.9 that's one im using honestly i would be have beat the game by now not to sound mad the game great but wish there a save button or quick save!
I keep getting reset not 0 but ever time i get to a higher milestone i get send 20,000 back is no matter how high well have not got to 99.999 xD
Which version are you playing
I am terribly sorry that you are having problems. I am currently working on version 1.0, where I have fixed many bugs.
Does this occur in-game or when you quit the game and come back?
Does anyone else reading this have this bug?
If it helps in any way, you can reset the game completely by clicking on Options 40 times. In V1.0 I will add a debug menu there.
Maybe it's a bug, but try a peach when your stamina is 0 and you walk slowly. When you stand still, start running immediately. Then you don't get +3 stamina, but x3 stamina ;)
Interesting, I'll have a look at it. I also found some other bugs in the buff system. It should all work better in V1.0.
Thanks for playing and reporting the bug!
Ideas for stuff you could implement to add to the lovely pixel art if you have the processing power:
- animation of her stretching
- after a run, her bending over to catch her breath
- that shirt getting more sweaty and see-through in some situations
but really I'll take anything :)
The sprite is about too powerful for me. I would do it externally. (And I'm totally of the opinion that more animations and outfits would be really cool. But I'm trying my best to find ways to add more sexy stuff. Maybe with the help of pictures.) Thanks for playing and your opinion!
I try to release V0.9 fast, so the first critical stuff is fixed.
Ooh... Would you say you're welcoming sprite assistance? :D Itch doesn't have DM options does it... I'm allergic to social media...
i have discord if you want to talk about it;
Enjoying this so far. Wish the unlocks were faster. Also that the XP bar showed xp to next level.
I plan some improvements in this direction.
-She should run longer with one click
-fruit buffs: [longer running] [faster running] [step multiplicator]
-filling the free spaces between the Unlocks with new cool stuff so she becomes something on all new levels!
-Level should effect more here stamina so she runs longer with one click
Kind of bare bones at the moment, but the dev has proven themselves with their past projects, so I'm confident they'll add more content soon. It really does need faster progression ASAP tho lol
Thanks for your trust!
Qual o objetivo?
Eu cliquei em tudo mas a boneca não responde nada
Sometimes if I'm clicking on things Aya jumps then walks on air. I think it has something to do with the snail
Thx! I will note it for testing.
Same thing, but I tried to use autoclicker, which is clicking every 1 sec. It wasn't clicking on snails or smth else, just background. When Aya is "flying" she's not picking up apples and strawberries. Refreshing page fixed bug tho
I try to solve this in V1.0
nice run
I will add a Stamina Bar in the next update. She Runs longer if the level goes up. do I unlock more options?
Steps Unlocks Level, Levels Unlocks Stuff, the Unlock list is in the Game description above.
Level 1 : 2000 Steps
Level 2 : 5000 Steps
Level 3: 10000 Steps
Level 4: 20000 Steps
The Unlock list goes to level 100 but is very impty at the moment. I will fill it from update to update!
Okay, thanks :)
Hey at this point I have reached lvl 2 and still haven't unlocked anything. Is that a bug or intentional?
in V0.9 you should unlocked Apple and Strawberry Buff on Level 1 & 2
Well that sucks, looks like my game is bugged too...
You can resett the game if you click 40 times on the gear for the Volume Option.
Run Aya Run!